

1. Spector, T., Averett, D.R., and Nelson, D.J. “Antiviral Combinations.” July 19, 1988 United States Patent #4,758,572.

2. Spector, T., Averett, D.R., and Nelson, D.J. “Antiviral Combinations (Hu).” 1986 United States patent filing.

3. Namm, D.H. and Spector, T. “Protection of Ischemic Tissues from Reperfusion Injury by Oxypurinol .” March 1987 Worldwide Filings.

4. Namm, D.H. and Spector, T. “Protection of Ischemic Tissues from Reperfusion Injury by Oxypurinol and t-pa.” March 1987 Worldwide Filings.

5. Spector, T., and Averett, D.R. “Antiviral Combinations For Treatment of Varicella Zoster Infections.” 1989 Worldwide Filings.

6. Spector, T., Porter, D.J.T., and Rahim, G. “Protection from AZT-Induced Toxicity by Inactivators of Uracil Reductase (related)”. July 1991 Patents issued 5643913 (July1997)

7. Spector, T., Porter, D.J.T., and Rahim, G. “Protection from AZT-Induced Toxicity by Inactivators of Uracil Reductase”. July 1991 Patents issued US 6,177,436 B1. (April 2001)

8. Spector, T., Porter, D.J.T., and Rahim, G. “Protection from AZT-Induced Toxicity by Inactivators of Uracil Reductase (related)”. July 1991 Patents issued US 6,221,852 B1. (June 2001)

9. Spector, T., Porter, D.J.T., and Rahim, G. “Potentiation of the Antitumor Activity of 5-Fluorouracil by Inactivators of Uracil Reductase (related)”. Sept 1991 Patent issued WO 92/04901 (April 1992)

10. Spector, T., Porter, D.J.T., and Rahim, G. “Potentiation of the Antitumor Activity of 5-Fluorouracil by Inactivators of Uracil Reductase (related)”. Sept 1991 The following Patents were issued:
Patent Number (Date Issued)
5643913 (1997): 5817664 (1998): 6177436 (2001): 6221852 (2001):6268374 (2001): 6297223 (2001): 6586440 (2003): 7119096 (2006)

11. Blumenkopf, T.A., Spector, T., Averett, D.R., Morrison, R.W.Jr., Bigham, E.C., and Styles, V.L. “Antiviral Combinations and Compounds Therefor.” United States Patent issued 5,175165.(December 1992)

12. Blumenkopf, T.A., Spector, T., Averett, D.R., Morrison, R.W.Jr., Bigham, E.C., and Styles, V.L. “Antiviral Combinations and Compounds Therefor.” United States Patent issued 5,393,883.(Feb. 1995)

13. Spector, T et al.“Substituted uracil derivatives as lipid lowering agents”. UK Filing Oct. 28, 1994.

14. Spector, al.“Methods For Administering DPD Inhibitors In Combination With 5-FU And 5-FU Prodrugs”. US08318756B2, issued Nov. 2012.

15. Spector, T. “Methods For Preventing or Reducing Neurotoxicity Associated with Administering DPD Inhibitors in Combination with 5-FU and 5-FU Prodrugs”. US 8,658,618 issued Feb. 25, 2014.

16. Spector, T. & Rakov, R,. “Methods for treating 5-fluorouracil prodrug non-responsive cancer patients”. WO/2014/089004

17. Spector, T. Ford, J. & Krenitsky, TA . “Combinations of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Serotonin Receptor Agonists and Their Therapeutic”.  18/616,046 Accepted November  2024